Approximative approach to optimize concrete foaming concentration in two stage foaming
foam, microsilica, optimal foam, foam concrete, two-stage foamingAbstract
The article presents the results of a study on foam concentration for the production of foam concrete using a two-stage foam introduction method. The research was conducted by evaluating the strength and density of foam concrete samples manufactured using both the proposed and conventional methods. The optimal composition was determined through several iterations, considering adjustments to the overall quantity of foaming agent and the water-cement ratio. The study revealed that the two-stage foam introduction method enhances the strength properties of foam concrete by promoting the formation of a more uniform porous structure within the material. The initial introduction of a low-concentration foam solution in water creates favorable conditions for the subsequent introduction of a high-concentration foam solution, serving as a structural-forming component. The optimal approach for achieving a stable porous structure involves an initial foam introduction of 15% and a subsequent introduction of 85%. Furthermore, the research highlights the nuances of the relationship between foam concentration, strength, and density of foam concrete, offering deeper insights into the structural properties of the material. The effectiveness of the proposed methodology is substantiated by the achieved technological solution, which provides a pragmatic approach to enhancing the efficiency of foam concrete production through precise foam concentration at both the initial and subsequent stages of the manufacturing process.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Rauan Lukpanov, Duman Dyussembinov, Zhibek Zhantlessova, Aliya Altynbekova, Anatolij Smoljaninov

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Funding data
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Grant numbers AP13068424