Editorial Policy
Technobius - is a peer-reviewed open-access electronic journal, registered on 7 September 2021 (Certificate № KZ00VPY00039799) and re-registered on 21 February 2024 (Certificate № KZ26VPY00087928) by the authorized body, and has an ISSN (Online): 2789-7338 dated 18 October 2021.
Language: English
Periodicity: Quarterly (4 numbers per year)
Publisher's name: Technobius, LLP, Astana, Republic of Kazakhstan
Thematic Directions (Scope): Technical Sciences: Construction, Materials Science.
Territory of Distribution: Over the Internet
Types of Manuscripts: Articles and (or) Reviews
DOI Registration Agency: Crossref
Aim: To provide a platform for discussion of current problems of Construction and Materials Science (particularly - building materials), their solutions, and the dissemination of scientific information in the global scientific, expert, and business community.
The journal has an Editorial Board represented by leading Kazakhstani and foreign scientists, an Editorial Policy aimed at openness and accessibility of authors' publications, a Publication Ethics, and a website.
The Editorial Board is actively working to improve the quality and ranking of the journal, including in the international scientometric databases such as Scopus and Web of Science. At the moment the journal is indexed in such databases and repositories as Crossref, Google Scholar, eLibrary, CyberLeninka, and THE KEEPERS.
Manuscript Publication Terms
To ensure the integrity of scientific research, authors need to adhere to international standards for scientific publications:
- Articles (Reviews) must be consistent with the stated purpose and thematic direction of the journal.
- Articles (Reviews) should contain their own deductions and interim or final results of scientific research, experimental and analytical activities, containing the author's developments, and conclusions. Borrowings must be necessarily accompanied by a reference to the source.
- The authors must guarantee that the Article (Review) is original, has not been previously published in another resource in the current or similar form, has not been transferred to other publishers; settled interests related to copyright and the publication, no translations of published Articles (Reviews) in other languages are accepted.
- Each Article (Review) ensures the replicability of the results of the study, describing the methodology of the study with the origin of the equipment and materials, methods of statistical processing of data, and other ways to ensure replicability.
- Adding or deleting authors is not allowed after acceptance for publication.
- When using ChatGPT and (or) artificial intelligence (AI), it is strictly required to adhere to the following COPE's position statement: "Authors who use AI tools in the writing of a manuscript, production of images or graphical elements of the manuscript, or in the collection and analysis of data, must be transparent in disclosing in the Materials and Methods (or similar section) of the manuscript how the AI tool was used and which tool was used. Authors are fully responsible for the content of their manuscript, even those parts produced by an AI tool, and are thus liable for any breach of publication ethics".
- The authors should follow the COPE position - Publishing material from theses, which states that if the author owns the copyright, they may subsequently publish thesis material regardless of whether the thesis is freely available via a university’s or research institution’s repository or has a licence allowing reuse (such as a Creative Commons licence). If any part of the thesis has coauthors, they must be in agreement with the decision to submit it for publication. The thesis should be acknowledged as the source of the work and cited in the publication.
Type and Procedure of Review
Type and procedure of review are available by clicking here.
Archiving and Open Access Policy
Since 2021 Technobius has provided open access to its content on the journal's official website (https://technobius.kz/index.php/tech/index). Readers and authors can access electronic versions of the current issue and archives for previous periods. The published content is deposited into the PKP Preservation Network for preservation.
Publication Ethics
Publication ethics is available by clicking here.
Privacy Statement
Privacy Statement is available by clicking here.