The manuscripts received by the Editorial Board and complying with the Author Guidelines are checked for plagiarism, including in international databases, using the licensed system powered by iThenticate - Crossref Similarity Check, after which they are sent for peer-review.
Technobius applies a double-blind review, which is carried out by at least two Reviewers, including those having a degree (Candidate of Science, Doctor of Science, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), etc.), publications in peer-reviewed journals, or sufficient experience in the same direction as a considered manuscript, including foreign scientists and (or) specialists. Each reviewer can reject further consideration of the Article (Review) if there is a specific conflict of interest, and in the case of detection of borrowings not accompanied by appropriate citations to the source. Based on the results of the review, the Reviewer makes recommendations on the Article (Review). Each decision of the Reviewer substantiates:
If the Reviewer recommends the manuscript for publication after correcting the deficiencies, the author through the electronic journal system reads the review and uploads a revised version of the manuscript containing corrections and (or) arguments refuting the reviewer's opinion. The revisions should be submitted as soon as possible.
If an author refuses to improve a manuscript, he or she must inform the editor in writing or verbally about the refusal to publish the manuscript.
If within 30 days from the date of review by the authors the modified version is not forwarded, the editorial board excludes it from the list, despite the lack of information about the improvement of the manuscript. In such cases, the authors are informed about the cancellation of further consideration of the manuscript due to the expiration of the time allotted for revision.
The manuscript, which has a positive decision from two reviewers, is published according to the order of acceptance for publication.
If one of the reviewers provided a positive decision on the manuscript and the second one provided a negative one, the editorial board has the right to send it to the third reviewer. If the third reviewer provides a positive decision, the final decision on the acceptance/rejection of the manuscript is made by the Editor-in-Chief of the journal.
In the case of two negative reviews, the manuscript is rejected.
The accepted manuscript is sent for editing, typesetting, checking by the author, and final publication.
Manuscripts submitted by Editorial Board members undergo the same rigorous double-blind peer review process as all other submissions. At least two external reviewers, who are not part of the Editorial Board, are assigned to review these manuscripts to ensure unbiased and objective evaluation.
Editorial Board members must disclose any potential conflicts of interest at the time of manuscript submission. If an editorial board member submits a manuscript, they recuse themselves from any editorial decisions related to their submission.
The final decision on manuscripts submitted by Editorial Board members is made by an independent editor who is not affiliated with their authors.