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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published and is not under review in another journal (or an appropriate explanation has been provided in comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines

Please carefully read and adhere to the following technical requirements:
- Ensure the manuscript's suitability to the journal's Aim and Scope
- Adjust the manuscript to the Article or Review template, do not change its format and style
- Submit manuscripts in .doc or .docx format, max 20 Mb
- Use Times New Roman, single-spaced, with 2 cm margins, portrait orientation
- Align the main text by width with a 1.25 cm offset
- Make Sections bold and align them in the center with empty lines of 14pt and 12pt before and after
- Make Sub-sections italic and alight them to the left edge with an empty line of 12 pt before
- Figures and Tables must appear centered with no offset after their first mention in the text being cited as (Figure 1) or Figure 1, and not extending beyond page margins
- Captions for figures and tables must be standalone, descriptive, and centered; figure captions go below, and table captions above
- Multiple figures can be placed in one line and cited together (e.g., Figure 2 or Figures 3 and 4)
- For multiple figures in a row, use an invisible table for alignment and center captions appropriately
- Use hyphens and commas when citing multiple figures or tables (e.g., Figures 6-8 or Figures 6, 7, 8-9)
- Use at least 1 figure or table and provide their detailed description (trends)
- Exclude vertical lines in tables
- Use a standard equation editor for the equations, number them as (1) and cite them as Eq. (1) or Eq. (1-3) for multiple
- Do not use Cyrillic letters
- Ensure good English using Grammarly
- Use proper citations, preferably recent references indexed in Scopus and Web of Science
- Adjust citations and References to IEEE style using Mendeley
- Use an online transliteration tool for Cyrillic references
- The list of references should be 10pt in size and aligned by width
- Ensure the correct authors’ ORCID, name, degree, title, position, affiliation, and email
- Ensure that all the funding sources are acknowledged
- Specify appropriate contribution types for each author using CRediT Taxonomy
- Disclose any potential conflict of interest, or declare no conflict of interest
- Disclose the AI use (e.g., ChatGPT) in line with COPE, or declare that AI was not used

Additionally, the authors should follow the COPE position - Publishing material from theses, which states that if the author owns the copyright, they may subsequently publish thesis material regardless of whether the thesis is freely available via a university’s or research institution’s repository or has a licence allowing reuse (such as a Creative Commons licence). If any part of the thesis has coauthors, they must be in agreement with the decision to submit it for publication. The thesis should be acknowledged as the source of the work and cited in the publication.

When revising the manuscript based on reviewers' comments or editors' recommendations, the authors should highlight the places of correction in the text of the manuscript. Responses to each reviewer's comments should be uploaded in separate files and prepared in a tabular form with two columns (left - comments, opposite them - clear answers), as shown below:

Reviewer's comments Responses


A review manuscript is dedicated to examining previously published scientific articles related to a common theme. It systematically analyzes and synthesizes existing research, identifying main trends, achievements, and gaps in the studied field.

- Should be informative, concise, and reflect the main essence of the research.

- A brief (100-300 words) and a standalone summary including the research objective, methods, key findings, and conclusions. Avoid repetitions of the main text, symbols, equations, citations, figures and tables, web links, and emails.

Keywords: 5-10 comma-separated words or phrases.

1. Introduction
The Introduction section should provide:
- Introduce the topic and its significance [1].
- Provide background information and the rationale for the review [2].
- State the main objective(s) and (or) goal(s).

2. Methods
The Methods section should provide:
- Describe how literature was searched, databases were used, and inclusion/exclusion criteria.
- Explain the criteria for selecting studies or articles for review.
- Detail how data was extracted and analyzed from the selected studies.

3-N. Chapters
The chapters should provide:
- Divide the main body into chapters based on themes or chronological order.
- Discuss the selected studies [2], [3] in each chapter.
- Summarize and synthesize findings from the literature; compare and contrast various studies.
- Include relevant figures and tables to illustrate key points and data.

N+1. Discussion
The Discussion section should provide:
- Summarize the main findings from the review.
- Discuss the implications of these findings for the field.
- Suggest areas for future research based on the review.

Acknowledgments (optional)
- Indication of funding sources and grants, supporting agencies or individuals.



The Articles should meet the following criteria:

1) The abstract should be brief (100-300 words) and provide a standalone summary including the research objective, methods, key findings, and conclusions. It should avoid repetitions of the main text, symbols, equations, citations, figures and tables, web links, and emails.

2) The Introduction should provide a structured and logical flow, ensuring accessibility for readers, including non-specialists. It must begin with a general introduction to the topic, followed by a discussion of the current state of research and existing issues. Then, a literature review should be conducted, critically analyzing recent original research articles (not reviews) that attempted to solve the identified problems. The introduction should then define the research gap, formulate a hypothesis, and conclude with a clear goal statement.
a) The opening sentences of the Introduction should introduce the research topic and key terms to ensure clarity for a broad audience. Authors should explain why the topic is important, define essential concepts, and highlight the fundamental principles behind the study.
b) After introducing the topic, the authors must explain the current situation in the research field and identify existing issues.
c) The next section of the Introduction must include a literature review, focusing on recent original studies that attempted to solve these issues. The literature should be carefully selected to ensure relevance to the current study.
d) Following the literature review, authors must state the problem that remains unresolved, based on the limitations of previous studies.
e) Based on this problem statement, authors should formulate a hypothesis that will be tested in the study. A hypothesis is a reasoned assumption that explains how the existing research gap could be addressed.
f) Finally, the goal statement should clearly define the study’s objectives and highlight its novelty.

3) The Methods section should provide a clear and sequential description of the actions performed in the study, ensuring that the research can be replicated. Authors must specify the resources used, including methodologies, techniques, materials and their properties, equipment and their parameters, and software. Each mention of an existing methodology or resource should be supported by citations rather than redundant explanations. Additionally, the Methods section must avoid presenting results and instead focus only on the procedures undertaken. Authors are encouraged to perform statistical analysis and specify the methods or equations used. The clarity of procedure descriptions is more important than volume, so the section should be as concise as possible while maintaining completeness.
a) The sequence of procedures should be presented logically to ensure replicability. Authors should begin by describing the materials used, followed by the experimental procedures, including sample preparation, testing methods, and analysis techniques.
b) Next, authors must describe the experimental setup in detail, including equipment and parameters, citing sources where applicable.
c) Any software used for data processing should be explicitly mentioned. If statistical analysis was conducted, authors must specify the methods and equations used.
d) The Methods section should not include results. For example, if the chemical composition of materials was determined through laboratory testing, authors should only state that such tests were performed.
e) If material properties were obtained from other studies, authors should cite the source instead of restating values.
f) Finally, the length of the Methods section should reflect the complexity of the study. If a short but complete description allows for full reproducibility, conciseness is preferred. The focus should be on clear, structured descriptions of procedures rather than unnecessary elaboration.

4) The Results and Discussion section should present findings in the same order as stated in the Methods section to ensure logical flow. Authors should prioritize tables and illustrations (figures, infographics, or graphs) over plain text to improve clarity and accessibility. Each result must first be introduced in text form, followed by its corresponding table or figure, and then described in detail. After describing each result, authors should identify trends and patterns before engaging in a discussion that compares their findings with previously published research from the literature review in the Introduction.
a) Each result must begin with an introductory sentence that cites the relevant table or figure. Following this statement, the table or figure should be placed in the manuscript.
b) After presenting the table or figure, authors must describe the data in detail, ensuring that readers who prefer text-based explanations can fully understand the results.
c) After descriptions, authors should identify trends and patterns emerging from results.
d) Next, authors must discuss the findings, comparing them with previous studies cited in the literature review of the Introduction. The discussion should highlight similarities, differences, and possible explanations for any deviations.
e) Each procedure mentioned in the Methods section must have corresponding results, ensuring completeness and consistency. If compressive strength tests were performed, results should follow the same structured approach.

5) The Conclusion must be concise and to the point, summarizing key findings with numerical values, stating observed patterns, and highlighting the study’s contributions. No new data or references should be introduced. The enumerated conclusions are preferred.
a) Authors should briefly state the main results, avoiding unnecessary repetition.
b) Any major tendencies found in the study should be clearly mentioned.
c) Authors should explicitly state whether the study addressed the research problem.
d) If applicable, briefly mention how the findings can be used.
e) Mention constraints and possible further studies.

6) All the references should adhere to the journal’s formatting style. Excessive self-citation is discouraged unless directly relevant. Authors are encouraged to use software like Mendeley for consistency and error-free formatting.
a) Each reference should be recognizable and findable.
b) Every reference listed must be cited in the text, and vice versa.
c) Each reference must include all necessary details (authors, title, journal/conference name, volume, issue, pages, year, DOI if available).
d) The references should be presented in Latin letters and adjusted to the IEEE style.
e) The Cyrillic references should be transliterated; the transliteration tool can be used.

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This journal’s editorial team uses this data to guide its work in publishing and improving this journal. Data that will assist in developing this publishing platform may be shared with its developer Public Knowledge Project in an anonymized and aggregated form, with appropriate exceptions such as article metrics. The data will not be sold by this journal or PKP nor will it be used for purposes other than those stated here.

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