Research of foam concrete components in the regional production conditions of Nur-Sultan
modified additive, post-alcohol bard, setting time, foam concrete, plasticizerAbstract
The article presents results of the effect of one component of the modified additive (post alcohol bard) on the change in the setting time of the cement mixture. The work shows a method for determining the setting time, the selection of optimal composition of samples, which will accelerate the setting time (beginning and end). Performed a comparative study of cements from different manufacturers, as well as the effect of one component of the modified additive (post-alcohol bard) on the setting time. The research allows to determine the effect of plasticizing additive on the properties of foam concrete during their production. It is established that the introduction of the additive can reduce the time of the beginning and the end of setting, the introduction of additive (post-alcohol bard) in optimal quantities will accelerate the process of making foam concrete products. Obtained results of setting time in the samples using the additive led to the best results. In general according to the results of studies it can be concluded that the additive promotes the growth rate of plastic strength and setting of foam concrete mixture, accelerates the hardening of foam concrete and can reduce its shrinkage during hardening. Consequently, the additive is one of the most effective additives to accelerate setting and allows mortars to fully set in the shortest time intervals.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Rauan Lukpanov, Duman Dyussembinov, Aliya Altynbekova, Zhibek Zhantlesova

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Funding data
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Grant numbers AP13068424