Research on the effect of microsilica on the properties of the cement-sand mixture




modified additive, microsilica, mineralogical composition, different concentrations, concrete


The article presents a study of changes in the mineralogical composition of cement when adding microsilica of different concentrations using diffractometer DRON-3 with СuCa-radiation, β-filter. X-ray phase analysis on a semi-quantitative basis was carried out on powder sample diffractograms using the method of equal weights and artificial mixtures. The work examines the effects of microsilica on the mineralogical composition of cement at the microstructural level. The aim of the study was to improve the physico-chemical properties of the cement. Solutions with different percentages of microsilica additives (0 %, 10 %, 20 %, 30 %) were made for the analysis. The conducted research makes it possible to determine the effect of microsilica in different concentrations on the properties of the cement composition. The introduction of additive into products is introduced to increase mechanical properties, reduce porosity, increase water resistance and durability of products, possibly due to binding of calcium hydroxide in the structure of hardening cement stone by dispersions of microsilica. In general it can be concluded from the results of studies that the additive contributes to increasing the strength of the mixture, accelerating hardening. Consequently, the additive is one of the most effective additives to increase the strength.


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Author Biographies

Rauan Lukpanov, Solid Research Group, LLP, Astana, Kazakhstan

PhD, Professor, Scientific Supervisor

Duman Dyussembinov, Solid Research Group, LLP, Astana, Kazakhstan

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Senior Researcher

Aliya Altynbekova, 1) Solid Research Group, LLP, Astana, Kazakhstan; 2) Department of Technology of Industrial and Civil Construction, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan

1) Researcher; 2) PhD Student

Zhibek Zhantlesova, 1) Solid Research Group, LLP, Astana, Kazakhstan; 2) Department of Technology of Industrial and Civil Construction, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan

1) Researcher; 2) PhD Student


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How to Cite

Lukpanov, R., Dyussembinov, D., Altynbekova, A., & Zhantlesova, Z. (2022). Research on the effect of microsilica on the properties of the cement-sand mixture. Technobius, 2(4), 0027.





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