Stability of dielectric properties of aluminum under gamma-quantum irradiation




gamma ray, irradiation, 137Cs isotope, semiconductors, aluminum


In this work was to reveal the effects of gamma-quantum irradiation on the microstructure and electrophysical characteristics of aluminum. The effects of gamma irradiation with a radionuclide source of cesium-137 isotope on the properties of aluminum were studied. The maximum absorbed doses were approximately 108 rads. Aluminum plates with a thickness of 6 mm and an area of 5 cm2 were utilized during the experiments. The main challenge in obtaining reliable, adequate automated adaptation of the gamma spectrometer under conditions of change in a certain range of characteristics of the water environment (such as, for example, temperature and pressure) is the task of obtaining reliable, high-quality and reliable measurements. The paper presents the results of testing and adjustment of the complex of autonomous automated calibration of 137Cs gamma-spectrometer. The processes occurring during gamma-quantum irradiation of aluminum and their influence on dielectric properties of the material were studied. The results obtained indicate that when aluminum is irradiated with a dose of 108 rad, only a slight change in its dielectric permittivity is observed.


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Author Biographies

Adilzhan Omarov, Faculty of Computer Science, Toraighyrov Pavlodar University, 64 Lomov st., Pavlodar, Kazakhstan

Master Student

Aigul Zhantasova, Faculty of Computer Science, Toraighyrov Pavlodar University, 64 Lomov st., Pavlodar, Kazakhstan

Master Student

Almas Siddiqui, Indian Institute of Science Bangalore

PhD Student


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How to Cite

Omarov, A., Zhantasova, A., & Siddiqui, A. (2023). Stability of dielectric properties of aluminum under gamma-quantum irradiation. Technobius Physics, 1(3), 0001.