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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The submission has not been previously published and is not under review in another journal (or an appropriate explanation has been provided in comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.

Author Guidelines


Technobius Physics  - is a peer-reviewed open-access electronic journal that publishes research with strong and clear ties to applications, and that offers fresh insight into physical phenomena. Theoretical, modelling, and experimental work concerning fundamental investigations sections and aspects of solid state synthesis, structure-property relationships, theory and functionalities, in relation with experiments are welcomed. Technobius Physics also supports contributions on original articles on new theories, methodologies, and computational techniques, as well as interpretations of both theoretical and experimental results of technical physics branch.

Technobius Physics is staffed by a dedicated team of professional editors, with relevant research and editorial backgrounds.

Technical requirements

The article is sent to the journal using the online submission system in .doc, and .docx formats with a file size not exceeding 20 Megabytes. Before the submission is made, please make sure the article is prepared according to the author's guidelines and the Template. The text of the article must not contain Cyrillic letters. The recommended length of the article is 2000-5000 words. The number of pages including all the parts of the article must be within 5-10. The page margins are 2 cm from all sides. All the text must be in the Times New Roman style with single-line spacing. Offsets in the main text are 1.25 cm, the abstract has no offset. The orientation of all pages is portrait. The bulleted lists must be made automatic by hyphens (-) or dashes (–), but no other symbols. The article must contain at least 1 figure or 1 table in the Results section. Figures and tables must stand after the text mentioning them and citing appropriately: (Figure 1) or Figure 1 when addressing to them (tables are cited respectively). They must not extend beyond the page margins. A figure caption and (or) a table caption should be standalone and descriptive enough to be understood. The figure caption is centered under the figure and the table caption is centered above the table, both without offset. It is allowed to put several figures in one line either assigning them to one figure (e.g., Figure 2), or to several (e.g., Figures 3 and 4, or Figures 5a and 5b). In the latter case, the figures must be put in the invisible table and their captions must be centered appropriately. When citing several figures or tables at a time, hyphens and commas are used (Figures 6-8 or Figures 6, 7, and 8-9). It is recommended to describe the trends going on in the figures and tables immediately after them. Equations and formulas may be prepared in the standard equation manager of Microsoft Word, Microsoft Equation, or MathType, and should be addressed in the text as Eq. (1). They should be centered and their numbers should be aligned on the right side.

Structural requirements

The article should be consistent with the organizational structure of IMRAD (Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion). Where necessary, the subchapters of different levels may be created in the italic letter. The text of the article should be written in good English with no grammatical mistakes. The sentences must be simple to read and understood by a non-specialist in the considered field. It is recommended to check the article text by English-speaker or professional language agencies.


The title should be a maximum of 10 words excluding conjunctions, prepositions, and articles, should state the research object, have the format “object + distinction”, must not contain words “estimation, solving, searching, investigating, assessment, analysis, application, etc.” or their synonyms pointing to a process, must not point to superiority and (or) to relevance, must not contain sophisticated words and phrases, formulas.


The number of authors should not exceed 5. All the authors must have ORCID. The geographic diversity of the authorship is highly appreciated. 


An abstract represents a short summary of a research article and is used to help the reader quickly grasp the insight of the article. The abstract must be written so that it speaks for itself, being a standalone part of the article. It should consistently and informatively describe the article and follow its structure. The statements should smoothly follow one another. It should avoid sentences identical to those from the text of the article, formulas (except chemical), symbols, sophisticated sentences, citations of literature, figures and tables, web links, standards, and E-mails. The abstract should motivate the reader in reading the entire article. The structure of the abstract should start with the description of the research object and follow with the problem or motivation statement, methods used, the most prominent results, and their significance. The well-established terminologies should be used where necessary. It is recommended to use active voice instead of passive voice. The abstract must be in one paragraph. The length of the abstract is 100-300 words.


5-8 terms separated by a comma, for example, first keyword, second keyword, etc.


The introduction chapter should start with a description of the research object from different perspectives, its history or origin, and potential ways of development. Then the literature review should be made with the aim of searching for any shortcomings and (or) unsolved issues related to the research object. The literature review should justify the relevance of the research presented in the article. After that, the achievements and alternative solutions from previous works should be discussed and analyzed. Considering them, a certain problem(s) should be stated, which was (were) not entirely covered and (or) solved earlier. The potential research problem(s) or issue(s) should be defined more in detail explaining to the reader why it is important to solve it(them). Based on the research problem(s), the research goal(s) must be formulated and stated clearly, which may be followed by the list of tasks intended to be solved in the work. In this chapter, all the borrowed known statements and thoughts from previous works must mandatorily have references to the sources. The quality and number of referenced sources indicate the relevance of the article. Therefore, authors are recommended to adhere to the following instructions: the number of references should exceed 20; all the references should have bibliographic data in English; at least 15 references should be indexed in Scopus and (or) Web of Science. The references must be prepared in IEEE style, where the citations are made numeric in square brackets as [1], and (or) [2], [3], [4], [5] for the interval of cited references, according to the IEEE Reference Guide. Citing unpublished works is not allowed. To save time and keep the quality of references adjusted, authors are highly recommended to use a reference manager Mendeley together with IEEE style


This chapter should describe clearly the sequence of the tasks implemented and solved, the “resources” (materials, tools, equipment), and the “methodology” (techniques, procedures, processes, instructions, guidelines, etc.) used in each task. The graphical representation and thorough description of the methods are appreciated. The methods used should be replicable. In this chapter, only the citations to references containing the abovementioned “resources” and “methodology” are allowed. The subchapters may be created if necessary.

Results and Discussion

Delivering the results in the form of diagrams, charts, tables, and (or) other illustrations, in the sequence of tasks performed is highly recommended. All the results and their trends should be thoroughly interpreted and discussed, in comparison with those from previous works, which should be cited where necessary. The subchapters may be created if necessary.


This chapter should start with the general declaration about the achievement status of the research goal, which should follow with the bullets of the summary statements:

  1. Summary statements should correspond to the sequence of the tasks set and numbered;
  2. They should briefly state the main findings and achievements of the research;
  3. The final summary may state what is still not achieved and (or) future work.


This chapter is optional. Authors may use this chapter to acknowledge the funding source, institutions that provided support when doing the research, etc. When acknowledging the funding source, please make sure the format and structure of the text comply with the requirements set.


(Prepare according to IEEE Reference Guide and use this for Cyrillic-Latin transliteration)





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