Investigation of splitting of a beam of potassium atoms in the classical Stern-Gerlach experiment at varying inhomogeneity of the magnetic field




Stern-Gerlach, potassium (atomic beam), inhomogeneous magnetic field, beam splitting, spin-polarization


The splitting of a beam of potassium atoms in the classical Stern-Gerlach scheme under varying inhomogeneity of the magnetic field is experimentally investigated in this work. First, the basic shape of the beam in the absence of an effective field is recorded, which makes it possible to introduce and calibrate the geometrical parameters of the channel. Then, when the current in the magnet windings increases and the field gradient grows, a systematic shift of the beam density maxima is observed, described by the model function F(u), which includes the parameter q, which characterizes the strength of interaction of atoms with the field. Theoretical calculations based on this function showed good agreement with the experimental results, including the asymmetry of the distribution due to the nonideal symmetry of the magnetic system. The obtained dependences of the position of the intensity maxima on ∇B confirmed the validity of both linear and asymptotic approximation for different modes of magnet operation. These conclusions have both fundamental importance for understanding the quantum mechanical aspects of beam splitting and applied significance in the development of methods for precise control of spin-polarized atomic beams in spectroscopy and spintronics.


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Author Biography

Assel Akhmetova, Laboratory of Alternative Energy and Nanotechnology, Kazakh-British Technical University, Almaty, Kazakhstan

MS, Junior Researcher


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How to Cite

Akhmetova, A. (2024). Investigation of splitting of a beam of potassium atoms in the classical Stern-Gerlach experiment at varying inhomogeneity of the magnetic field. Technobius Physics, 2(4), 0024.