Prediction of compressive strength and density of aerated ash concrete




cellular concrete, aerated concrete tests, ash and slag waste, compressive strength, density


The article presents the results of studies on forecasting the compressive strength and density of aerated ash concrete. A theoretical review was conducted on the variability of strength and density of cellular concretes when selecting their compositions. A series of experiments was conducted to study the dynamics of changes in the compressive strength and density of non-autoclaved gas-ash concrete during the initial stages of hardening under natural conditions and after thermal treatment to select a composition of the specified quality. It was revealed that it is possible to control both the strength and the density at the early stages of hardening to forecast these parameters at the design age of 28 days. It was established that the compressive strength of aerated ash concrete samples hardening under natural conditions increased by an average of 42.62% at the design age compared to the strength at 7 days, while the density decreased on average by 19.19%. For aerated ash concrete samples that underwent thermal treatment (steaming), the increase in strength averaged 34.67%, and the decrease in density was 11.07%. The obtained results are of practical value for scientists and engineers engaged in the development of cellular concrete compositions.


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Author Biographies

Darya Anop, D. Serikbaev East Kazakhstan Technical University, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Olga Rudenko, D. Serikbaev East Kazakhstan Technical University, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Vladimir Shevlyakov, D. Serikbaev East Kazakhstan Technical University, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan

Candidate of Technical Sciences

Zulfiya Aubakirova, Abylkas Saginov Karaganda Technical University, Department of Construction Materials and Technologies, Karaganda, Kazakhstan

PhD Student

Nikolai Soshnikov, D. Serikbaev East Kazakhstan Technical University, Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan


Meiram Begentayev, Satbayev University, Almaty, Kazakhstan



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How to Cite

Anop, D., Rudenko, O., Shevlyakov, V., Aubakirova, Z., Soshnikov, N., & Begentayev, M. (2025). Prediction of compressive strength and density of aerated ash concrete. Technobius, 5(1), 0074.





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