Calculation of the stress-strain state of highways using the finite element method




cement concrete pavements, road defects, road survey, numerical modeling, PLAXIS


The main purpose of the examination of roads is the timely identification of areas that require improvement of road conditions, as well as the evaluation of the state of all structural elements of roads. The study of the causes of road deformations, measures to eliminate and prevent warping are the main issue of road maintenance. The survey of roads was conducted in accordance with the approved methods using standard measuring tools. PLAXIS software was used to perform the finite element analysis of deformations and stability of soil, to calculate the interaction of the pavement with the ground, the effect of heat fluxes. Processing of data on the road Almaty-Taraz has shown that stresses and deformations arise directly in the place of contact of point loads with trapezoidal shape on the depth of influence. The authors conclude that when horizontal deformations occur, the greatest stresses occur on the road shoulders, which surrounds possible slope collapses. In addition, volumetric deformations of the foundation occur under direct dynamic loading and, under its prolonged effect, contribute to the appearance of volumetric bulging deformations.


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Author Biographies

Zhanbolat Shakhmov, RSE on REU «National Center for the Quality of Road Assets», Astana, Kazakhstan

PhD, Associate Professor

Jakharkhan Kabdrashit, Department of Algebra and Geometry, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan

Master Student

Aru Kozhakhmet, Department of Technology of Industrial and Civil Engineering, Faculty of Architecture and Civil Engineering, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana, Kazakhstan

Master Student


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How to Cite

Shakhmov, Z., Kabdrashit, J., & Kozhakhmet, A. (2022). Calculation of the stress-strain state of highways using the finite element method. Technobius, 2(4), 0030.





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