Heat-resistant concretes based on cement binders and waste from the metallurgical industry
waste, heat-resistant concrete, metallurgical industry, bauxite sludge, reactive alumina, perliteAbstract
The main direction of the development of heat-resistant concrete production is the use of new materials, ensuring mechanization and industrialization of construction, increasing the performance characteristics of refractory compositions, reducing material consumption, introducing waste-free technologies in the production of concrete with increased physical and mechanical characteristics under prolonged exposure to high temperatures on cement binders and waste from the metallurgical industry and reducing environmental pollution. A significant environmental impact on the environment is exerted by large-tonnage technogenic waste produced by JSC «Aluminum of Kazakhstan» – bauxite sludge obtained by processing bauxite into alumina containing 42.7% Fe2O3. The prospects of its application as a filler in heat-resistant concretes are considered, which makes it possible to increase the physico-mechanical and thermal characteristics. The composition and properties of this waste and the change in the properties of heat-resistant concrete during the introduction of filler have been studied. Reactive alumina has been studied, which is 99.9% submicron alumina with a very low content of Na2O oxide. It is shown that the properties of concrete change after the introduction of iron-containing waste in the amount of 5% and reactive alumina – 37.5% and 38.8%. Their volumetric weight, control strength, and other properties are increased. The improvement of physical, mechanical, and thermal characteristics depends on the structure and neoplasms in the obtained samples. Samples of heat-resistant concrete were analyzed using electron probe X-ray spectral qualitative and quantitative microanalysis and X-ray fluorescence spectrometry and it was shown that the iron-alumina waste contributes to the compaction of the structure due to its resistance to delamination and has increased fluidity at low humidity in the cementing mass. For further investigation of the physical-thermal characteristics, depending on the structure and neoplasms in the obtained samples, a petrographic method using a polarization microscope in transmitted and reflected light is required.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Samal Akimbekova, Lyazat Aruova, Zhuzim Urkinbayeva, Marek Nykiel

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Funding data
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Grant numbers BR21882278