Calculation and numerical modeling of the effect of heat and mass transfer on the properties of pile foundations in seasonally freezing soils
heat and mass transfer, pile foundations, seasonally freezing soils, frost heave deformations, thawing, freezing of soilsAbstract
The phenomenon of heat and mass transfer in seasonally freezing soils has a significant impact on the condition of pile foundations. Building structures constructed in such soils experience extremely negative consequences: frost heave, vibration dynamics, moisture mass transfer and soil weakening during the thawing. Seasonally freezing soils occupy most of the territory of Kazakhstan, and in most regions the depth of soil freezing exceeds 1.5 m, there are settlements where the index reaches 1.97 m (Semiyarka, East Kazakhstan region) and in the north of the country - 2.74 m (Arshaly, Akmola region). Arrangement of foundation bases below the frost depth leads to increased construction costs, requires additional costs for thermal insulation, ventilation, other materials and structures, and, in addition, does not always lead to a full levelling of the negative impact of heat and mass transfer on the term and conditions of operation of buildings, structures, railways and roads. Therefore, the efforts of engineers and specialists in the field of thermal physics are aimed at finding effective ways to solve the problems of deformation and destruction of foundations in seasonally freezing soils. In the article an attempt is made to reveal the character of heat and mass transfer influence on pile foundations in seasonally freezing soils on the basis of a thermomechanical model.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Saltanat Mussakhanova, Assel Sarsembayeva, Askar Zhussupbekov, Philip Collins

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Funding data
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Grant numbers AP13268861